Bill Mountain


Bill Mountain

Bill Mountain

Bill Mountain is a five piece band from Houma, Louisiana. Their music an electrifying peculiar mix of post-punk, progressive (70’s Gong style) psychedelic rock, multi-layered vocals, frenetic rhythms and saxophone, ultimately enjoyable and refreshing. The band hasn’t got any official album releases yet (I personally can’t wait for their first) so the four tracks I include here is all they’ve made available online between June 2014 – February 2015.

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Villagers of Ioannina City – Riza


 Villagers of Ioannina City - Riza

Villagers of Ioannina City – Riza

Ok, I know the word “unique” has been used extensively (but not excessively) with regard to music and style in various posts here – but I believe V.I.C. music absolutely deserves it, if not defines it. This five member experimental psychedelic/rock band from Ioannina City (Greece) play a rare mix of greek traditional folk with post, psychedelic, prog rock, both fascinating and unprecedented.

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Ghost Note Project – Sensomatic


Ghost Note Project - Sensomatic

Ghost Note Project – Sensomatic

Ghost note project’s unique style blends rock, funk and psychedelic and electronic elements while sometimes treading a fine line between jazz and ethnic (as they put it). A seemingly once-in-a-lifetime gathering (I really hope it is repeated) of extraordinary musicians gave birth to the cornucopia of sound that is “Sensomatic”.

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